Founded in 1744, the porcelain factory was created by the order of Empress Elizabeth to "serve native trade and native art.The factory produced wares exclusively for the ruling Romanov family and the Russian Imperial Court. With the abolition of the Russian monarchy in 1917, the Imperial Porcelain Factory was renamed "State Porcelain Factory" (GFZ - Gossudarstvennyi Farforovyi Zavod) by the Bolshevik regime.During the early years of the Soviet Union, the GFZ produced so-called propaganda wares, ranging from plates to figurines of the Soviet elite. In 1925, on the occasion of the 200th jubilee of the Russian Academy of Science, it was given the name of the academy's founder, Mikhail Lomonosov. It became known as the Leningrad Lomonosov Porcelain Factory (LFZ - Leningradski Farforovyi Zavod imeni M.V. Lomonosova). The newly-christened Lomonosov factory produced a range of wares, including collectible animal figurines and dinner sets. Reference: Wikipedia. The bust of V. I. Lenin: Made of bisque porcelain. He is depicted as a leader with a strong belief and irresistable character. He wears a jacket and a waistcoat underneath, wearing tie. A realistic portrait with deep details. This bust must have been designed by sculptors V. Bogoliubov and V. Ingal in 1950s because a full-length bronze scuplture of Lenin which was erected at Lenin Street in 1950 in Riga (Latvia) had many certain similarities with this bust. Reference. Eventhough the bust is not stamped with the factory's initials and serials, price etc or erased in course of time, it is certain that the bust is the product of Leningrad Lomonosov Porcelain Factory regarding its porcelain quality and sharp details. As far as I know this bust by LFZ was in production till late 80s. Dimensions: height 178 mm; width 146mm. |